Levantine - A2.2 - Lesson 13

Levantine - A2.2 - Lesson 13

In this lesson, You'll learn all about the human body.

You'll also learn what to say to the doctors when you visit them.

You'll learn as well the nouns for different articles of clothing.

Finally, you'll get to learn more about a Lebanese celebrity and learn a few Lebanese expressions.

These materials are given to students that are registered for our group classes and private lessons only.

If you're not sure which materials are yours or can't access yours, contact us at info@levantineonline.com.

Private Course
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Responsible Levantine Online
Last Update 23/01/2023
Completion Time 2 hours 20 minutes
Members 29
Lesson Materials
    • The Human Body - Levantine Dialect - Lesson 5.1.pdf
    • Videos
    • Audios
    • Levantine - A2.2 - Lesson 13